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How to Cure Vaper's Tongue


E-juices are very flavorful. If you vape for a long time, you may notice that it becomes harder and harder to taste the flavor of the e-juice. This condition is called 'vapor tongue'. However, vapor tongue is probably caused by the olfactory senses. Not only do e-juices taste fantastic but they also smell delicious too. However, if you smell too much of it, pretty soon your nose will just block out the smell. It's just like when you first walk into a restaurant and you can smell all the different aromas but after a few minutes of sitting there you can no longer smell them. If you can't smell the e-juice, you will also have a tough time tasting it. The sense of smell and the sense of taste are closely tied to each other. If you've ever had a cold, I'm sure you understand how a stuffy nose can impact your taste buds. Below are some things you can do to avoid vaper's tongue and continue to taste every single note in your juice.


Switch Your E-Juice Regularly


To avoid your olfactory senses becoming overtaxed, it is good idea to change your E Cigarette Liquid every couple of hours or so. It is best to switch to a juice in a completely different family. It won't do much good to switch from a chocolate chip cookie e-juice to a chocolate cake e-juice. If you only like one e-juice you can also vape flavorless e-juice to cleanse your palate.


Chew Some Cinnamon


Eating cinnamon can sometimes shock your senses and wake them back up. But cinnamon isn't the only thing that can do that. Smelling coffee, lemon and lime can also give your olfactory senses a jolt so that you can start smelling again. Along with your different bottles of e-juice and tanks, you should carry a stick of cinnamon gum and a bag of coffee beans in your e-cigarette kit just in case you get a case of the vaper's tongue.


Stay Hydrated


E-juice is made from vegetable glycerin which absorbs moisture. That is why it is used often in soaps to keep the skin moist. When you vape with it, it will absorb the moisture in your mouth and could dry it out if you don't stay hydrated. When you become dehydrated, a thin coating forms over the tongue. This bio-film will affect how much of the E juice you can taste. Drinking plenty of water, not only while you are vaping but throughout the day, will prevent the bio-film from forming.

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